Best Of Roland D-50 REFiLL
9 julio 2011Best Of Roland D-50 REFiLL
Best Of Roland D-50 (REFiLL) | 60 MB
This Best Of Roland D-50 ReFill is based after that “not so frequently found” of Patrick Fridhs (Patrick
Fridhs D-50.rfl) done a few years ago but in NN-19 format. I decided
to convert his content to NN-XT format, then I created with these .sxt
presets their Combis counterparts, with the addtition of one of my
Combis Templates (FX Chain). This Combi Template is more like a
‘Starting Template’ for you to have an idea of how these original sounds can sound with some enhancements.
n some cases, it can more or less well suits the sound, in other ones, it can sound a bit too processed depending your tastes…
Feel absolutely free to change this ‘Template’ the way you like… is indeed the goal, create yours
Feel absolutely free to change this ‘Template’ the way you like… is indeed the goal, create yours
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